Tuesday, August 30, 2011

For the first time...he found the courage to look at her eyes.

Isn't crazy how one look in the eyes can completely change your life? I always thought it would but for the better. That's how I was taught "when you talk to someone you look at them in the eyes...its a sign of respect" "when you shake someone's hand...you look them in the eyes...it's a sign of respect". I've lived by that in the short time that I have lived until the day I was looked in the eyes and disrespected. I don't understand...weren't we all taught the same? Was I taught all wrong? I use to be this hot-to-trot, guitar playin', don't you be messin' with me unless you got something intelligent to say, overly confident women but lately I find myself being more of a...don't even want to look in the mirror, quiet, non hobby having, mediocre, stay at home mom.I don't even own a guitar anymore. Some where along the way to creating the perfect family, striving to be the best wife and mom around I lost myself. I'm not sure where or when, but I'm hoping to recreate that women. I can't retrace my steps because it's never the right choice to go back so we have to move forward. I don't know where to start, who to talk to, but some how she'll resurface. You are more than welcome to follow me on this journey of....self-preservation? self-discovery? Whatever this may turn out to be  maybe in some weird way this will help someone else in their journey. We'll just have to see, after all, change doesn't quite happen overnight...does it?

-Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor. ~ Dr. Alexis Carrel-